Welcome to Fishing Jangalang Store

Explore our extensive collection of high-quality fishing products and reliable gear, meticulously crafted to meet the needs of anglers of all skill levels, trusted and loved by professional fishermen and families alike for their exceptional performance and durability. Join our growing community of passionate fishing enthusiasts and embark on your unforgettable fishing adventure today, creating cherished memories on the water with gear you can always depend on.

Jangalang is built for:

No tangles

No wrapping around

No flying off

Never gets in the way Resistant to wind and rain

Effortless to put on and take off

Kids and Wife friendly

Quality Family Time

Fishing provides an opportunity for families to spend uninterrupted time together, fostering stronger bonds and creating lasting memories. Engaging in this shared activity allows for meaningful conversations and collective experiences.

Custom Colors

Custom Hole Shapes

Custom Builds

Custom Sizes

Custom Bells

Custom Strap's

Custom Cuts

Jangalang is proudly handcrafted in the USA.

Stunning and captivating visuals, effortlessly delivered, any time of day or night.

Check out this test video!



Welcome to the Fishing Jangalang Store, where you can find a wide range of fishing products that are perfect for both seasoned fishermen and families looking to enjoy quality time together. Our goal is to provide you with the best gear to enhance your fishing experience and make lasting memories. Join our community and become a part of the Fishing Jangalang family.

Discover Authentic Jangalangs – Available Here!

Discover a wide range of drop-ship products and more, all available here!

Perfect for the wife and kids.

Does your wife not enjoy fishing with you? Surprise her with a sparkling, heart-adorned Jangalang!

It might just change her mind and reel her into the fun.

Kids absolutely love fishing and exploring the great outdoors, where they can connect with nature and create lasting memories. Give them the ultimate adventure of a lifetime with a special Jangalang today. Trust us, it will be an experience you won’t regret, and they’ll cherish forever!


Thread the zip tie through the tip hole as shown in the picture, then securely tighten it.

Ensure the fishing line is out of the way before proceeding. All clear!


Secure the zip tie around the fishing pole as shown in the picture, making sure to tighten it firmly around your jangalang. Once it's secure, you're all set! Go out, enjoy your fishing adventure, and reel in a big one! Happy fishing!

We truly hope you’re enjoying your very own Jangalang as much as we enjoyed creating it for you! We’d absolutely love to hear from you—please don’t hesitate to leave a comment, give us a call, or send us a message anytime you like. Your feedback is incredibly valuable to us and genuinely means the world to our team!

Mastering Seasonal Fishing Strategies

Learn how seasonal changes influence fish behavior and tailor your approach to stay ahead. Explore the ideal fishing spots, optimal times, and perfect conditions for each season to make every trip a success.